
A black background. On the right hand side of the image, Richard Taylor in a beautiful costume - a full body red garment, with a cropped, light coloured vest-like piece overtop. The vest is made of light material and natural materials - moss, sticks etc. He wears an ornate headpiece with more moss, sticks, and feathers. He is playing a drum and singing. His face, arms and hands have been painted a deep red colour. In the middle of the image, a red starbust with the words "Summer Employment Opportunity in Sipekne'katik" in white typeface.


The William Taylor Project and Zuppa seek to hire artists (actors, musicians, dancers, writers, clothing and textiles, designers, circus, visual, sound, etc.) from Sipekne’Katik to create and perform in "Caliban of Sipekne’Katik" a new theatrical production that considers Mi’kmaw stories and history and how they relate to aspects of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

Click here for the full call!

Black and white image of a scrapbook-like collage of drawings, photographs etc with the title The Archive Of Missing Things over top of it and the website archive mainframe.computer below it.
A blue background. In white lettering "Join TEAM 100" and below it, in blue: "support us"